Artificial Intelligence in Education
Artificial Intelligence has moved from the big wide screens from films such as Terminator. It has, in fact, moved into our daily life. AI has been a success with improvements in various fields such as mechanical engineering, agriculture and many more. Even healthcare, which stayed a little far away from the digital revolution has embraced… (0 comment)

Advance Digital Marketing Strategies You should Know in 2019 as a Digital Marketer
Digital marketing is changing every year on a wide scope for marketers. So you need to change your marketing polices to keep pace with the changing technology to stay ahead from the competitors. The top digital marketers are making new strategies to engage their audience in their content. Here we are going to discuss some… (0 comment)

Best Budget Laptop to buy in India
Today you can find a good variety of technologies available when talking about Laptops from various brands. If anybody planning to buy any laptop then 2 things always being considered best performance from machines in budget rates. You can find a lot of variety available within the range of Rs. 50000 where even you can… (2 comments)