
3 Common Blogger Limiting Beliefs to Let Go for Good

Bloggers are funny creatures.

We all have worlds of potential. For some odd reason, people allow fear to dominate their minds.

I did so for many years. Struggles ensued. I worked so hard for peanuts. I eventually made decent coin but still had to work my tail off, trying to overcome blogger limiting beliefs. Why did I believe these ideas? I trusted professional blogger advice, even though said pros struggled with their own limiting beliefs, misleading me a bit.



Now I know; if you blog mainly from love, you will dissolve most limiting beliefs because you starve these lies of their fears.

Own and release these 3 limiters to become a successful blogger.

1: You Cannot Succeed Unless You Have an Email List

100% not true.

I do OK for myself. I have no email list.

I do have friends. Friends follow me, promote me and endorse me. Friends hire me. Friends buy my stuff. Friends generously invite me to guest post on their blogs, as Vishwajeet graciously did.

If you have friends you will become successful.

Make friends by helping bloggers. Expect or ask for nothing in return. Be generous. Be detached. Make friends. Blogging buddies follow you via:

  • bookmarking your blog
  • remembering to visit your blog daily or weekly
  • their heart

If you are in your reader’s hearts you do not need to be in their email inbox.

2: You Need Google Traffic to Succeed with Blogging

Not true. I drive little Google traffic. I do OK for myself.


I created content from a generous, prolific energy.

Most bloggers desperately try to publish a post that reaches page 1 of Google, nailing down the first result. Days or even weeks pass before individuals actually publish the post, being obsessed with perfect SEO. During the days or weeks passing, I published 12, 24 or 48 posts. Or more. Meaning you may generate some sweet search traffic through 1 post and I WILL generate a hefty amount of targeted traffic through my 48 on topic, helpful, spot on posts.

Think abundance, not scarcity. Relying on search traffic is nuts because Google changes algorithms with the wind. But being generous and prolific through your blog ensures that your traffic and profits grow over the long haul.

Google is one of a thousand or more channels through which you can boost blog traffic and profits. Do not get attached to 1 specific method. Just focus on creating oodles of helpful posts through your blog.

3: Blog Commenting Is Dead

I have placed well over 1,000 guest posts during my 10 years online.

I pitched 2 bloggers. The remaining opportunities flowed my way.


Sure I write well, but blog commenting opened doors for me. I made many blogging buddies by commenting genuinely on blogs. Meanwhile, foolish bloggers obsessed with Do Follow links and SEO juice deride blog commenting as being a waste of time.

Are you kidding me? I have been featured on world famous sites. Blog commenting increased my exposure and grew my friend network enough to put me on the radar screen of these big brands.

Let go limiting beliefs. Release your fears. Blogging becomes easier and easier if you blog mainly from love, fun and possibility, versus blogging from fear, scarcity and limiting beliefs.

This journey involves plenty of work and service but the generosity flows when you own, embrace and then, let go limiting, confining blogging beliefs on the regular.

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