
How to Increase Alexa Ranking

Today, many bloggers and webmasters are too much concern about increasing their Alexa ranking. Alexa Ranking is now considering as a metric to know how much popular a website is? Whether you need advertisers or sponsored posting on your blog, your advertiser first asks for your Alexa Ranking.

There are many factors that impact your site Alexa Ranking and you can definitely improve your Alexa ranking. In this article, I am going to show you how to increase Alexa ranking. Before we discuss the process of increasing your site Alexa ranking, let me first tell you about Alexa Ranking.

What is Alexa Ranking?

Alexa is a third party web metric tool that provides you with roughly estimated traffic data for your blog or website. However, your Alexa ranking does not reflect your search engine rankings nor shows you the realistic data. There might be some discrepancies in the data provided by them.

Alexa only shows accurate data for the sites which are using their paid services. Their premium services provide you precise and more specific data for your blog.

How to Increase Alexa Ranking?

There are many factors which need to be considered while determining a site’s Alexa ranking. Let’s check out some of the best ways to improve your Alexa Ranking:

Quality Content

Content always plays a major role in the success of your site or blog. People love to visit sites that have good and quality content. You definitely need to add quality content to your blog. Write problem-solving posts which drive more visitors to your blog.

Frequently update your blog

You have to update your blog on regular basis. Just keep the consistency of your blog post. People love to visit a blog which updates regularly. Even Search Engines love the blog that is updated regularly.

I have also done an experiment on this. Actually, I stopped updating my blog for 3 months and after this, we realize that our blog’s Alexa ranking has dropped rapidly. So, it is quite clear that you have to update your blog regularly to maintain the ranking of your Alexa Rank.

Link Building

You have to build quality links from high authority websites that are relevant to your niche. For this, you can do the Guest posting and blog commenting on their websites. The more you build the link the more chances of your ranking in search engines. But make sure that you build links legitimately. Do not ever try to build links using black hat techniques as it will negatively impact your site SEO.

Interlinking your post

Interlinking is a good on-page SEO practice as it helps search engine crawlers to crawl and index your inner pages and posts quickly. It also helps visitors to find more relevant content on your blog and hence improve the bounce rate of your blog.

Use Alexa Toolbar

Alexa only count a visit to your website or blog if your visitors have Alexa toolbar installed on their browsers. So, It is always advisable to use Alexa toolbar to improve your Alexa ranking quickly. Alexa toolbar is available for major web browsers.

Buy their site audit plan

Alexa does have paid site audit plan. This plan provides you with more accurate data and statistics for your blog and website. If you have a budget for this then you should try it out.

Use Paid traffic sources

Alexa ranking solely depends on the visitor’s count on your blog. If your blog gets regular and more visits then you might see the improvements on your Alexa ranking. You can also use paid traffic options like Google Ads, Bing Ads, Facebook Ads, etc. to drive good visitors to your blog.

Social Networking sites

Social Networking sites are a great place to drive huge traffic to your blog free of cost. If you have a large followership then you can leverage it to drive a good amount of traffic to your blog. Social Media sites are also a good way to promote stuff online and build your brand identity online.

Over to you

These are some of the steps that help you to increase your Alexa ranking. However, your Alexa rank does not improve overnight as it will take some time and you have to be patient with this. You can focus on your blogging task and eventually you will see the improvements on your Alexa ranking.

If you have any questions or queries, feel free to ask me in the comment section. If you like the post, share it on your social networks.

Comments (1)

  • Very helpful and informative article to bloggers.Valid tips for great going.All though Content is the king in this case nothing else will help you to retain your rank. So write


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