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How to Rank your site in Google

How to rank your site in Google? This is the major question that pops up in every bloggers and webmasters mind. Every blogger and webmasters want to rank their site in Google. But to rank in Google isn’t an easy task. You have to make a lot of efforts in it. Google is a dynamic search engine and changes their algorithm frequently to make their search result more helpful to users. In 2016 we have seen that Google updated their penguin 4.0 which is now run in real-time.  You are also familiar with updates like Google Panda.

How to Rank your Site in Google

We have seen so many changes in the SEO world and it changes very quickly. The days are gone when someone uses blackhat techniques to rank their site in Google.  Google becomes smarter day by day. So, in this article, I am trying to show you some tips which you can use to rank your site in 2017.

Focus on Content

Content is still king and it is the very first step to rank your site. Google loves fresh and quality content. So, you have to generate quality content for your website on regular basis. Don’t try to copy paste others content because it will not give you any benefit and you will soon get caught by Google and hit by its penalty. Quality content increases your blog readership and also helps you to build your authority online.

Use Meta Tags

Well, some of you think that Meta tags don’t play a role in site SEO. But the fact is that it is still very effective to optimize your site. Meta tags consist of a title, description, and keyword tags. You have to specify these tags. These tags will also help Google to understand your site. When you insert a description tag, it will get index by Google and shown on their result pages.

There are some guidelines for adding Meta tags on your site. Keep your title under 65 characters, Meta description under 165 characters and you can use a maximum of 5 keywords. Well, keywords don’t have so much need to use. However, you can put them.

Make your site load faster

Google loves sites that are loading very fast. Users also like to visit the sites which load fast on their browsers.  A recent study suggests that 60% of users like the site which loads under 3 seconds. So, keeping this in mind make your site load faster. If you are on a poor web hosting service then you must have to choose a good web hosting servers. Alternatively, you can use CDN services like Cloudflare.

Make your site mobile friendly

Google recently focus on a website which is mobile friendly and works great on mobile devices. You can use responsive design for your blog or website, which can make your site work great on mobile devices. Click here to get some mobile friendly WordPress themes.  You can also use AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) for your website as well.

Create quality backlinks

Backlinks are considering as a backbone of your site. No website can rank without having backlinks. Creating backlinks doesn’t mean that you only focus on its quantity. You also have to maintain the quality of your backlinks. Always create backlinks from relevant sites. For example, if you manage a tech website than create backlinks from other tech sites will help you to maintain the relevancy of your backlinks.

Some webmasters think that creating only dofollow backlinks can help you to make link juice from your links. But the fact is that you have to maintain the ratio of dofollow and nofollow backlinks. Creating only dofollow links can be considered as link spamming and your site may receive a penalty from Google.


Interlinking is a good practice of every webmaster. Make sure that you have a good interlinking structure for your website or blog. Interlinking your content can help search engines to index your more pages and content of your site. It’s also helping you to decrease your site bounce rate.

Optimize your images

Optimize your images and make them search engine friendly. Reduce your image sizes to save your bandwidth and also make them load faster. Attribute your image with proper title and alt text.

Social networking sites

Social Media is growing at a rapid speed. Social networking sites are really helpful to gain a good amount of visitors. It’s also helping you in SEO as well. Social media help you to build your brand and also increase your brand social value. Today Social media following help you to gain popularity for your brand.


Google takes 200 ranking factors to rank a website on their search engine result page. These are some of the basic and fundamental steps to ensure that your website is search engine friendly and can rank better. I hope you will find this helpful. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comment section. If you like the post, please share it on your social networks.

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